Source code for benchmark_online_wpe

# ToDo: move this file to tests

import sys
from itertools import product

import pandas as pd
if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    import tensorflow as tf

from nara_wpe import tf_wpe

if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    benchmark = tf.test.Benchmark()
configs = []
delay = 1

[docs]def config_iterator(): return product( range(1, 11), [5, 10], # K [2, 4, 6], # num_mics # range(2, 11) [512], # frame_size # 1024 [tf.complex64], # dtype # , tf.complex128 ['/cpu:0'] # device # '/gpu:0' )
if __name__ == '__main__' and sys.version_info < (3, 7): print('Generating configs...') for repetition, K, num_mics, frame_size, dtype, device in config_iterator(): inv_cov_tm1 = tf.eye( num_mics * K, batch_shape=[frame_size // 2 + 1], dtype=tf.complex64) filter_taps_tm1 = tf.zeros( (frame_size // 2 + 1, num_mics * K, num_mics), dtype=tf.complex64) input_buffer = tf.zeros( (K + delay + 1, frame_size // 2 + 1, num_mics), dtype=tf.complex64) power_estimate = tf.ones((frame_size // 2 + 1,), dtype=tf.complex64) with tf.device(device): configs.append(dict( repetition=repetition, K=K, num_mics=num_mics, frame_size=frame_size, dtype=dtype, device=device, op=tf_wpe.online_wpe_step( input_buffer, power_estimate, inv_cov_tm1, filter_taps_tm1, 0.9999, K, delay) )) print('Benchmarking...') results = [] with tf.Session() as sess: for cfg in configs: print(cfg) result = benchmark.run_op_benchmark( sess, cfg['op'], min_iters=100 ) result['repetition'] = cfg['repetition'] result['K'] = cfg['K'] result['num_mics'] = cfg['num_mics'] result['frame_size'] = cfg['frame_size'] result['device'] = cfg['device'] result['dtype'] = cfg['dtype'].name result['fps'] = 1 / result['wall_time'] result['real_time_factor'] = ( (16000 / result['frame_size']) * 4 / result['fps'] ) results.append(result) res = pd.DataFrame(results) print(res.groupby(['K', 'num_mics', 'frame_size', 'device', 'dtype']).mean()) with open('online_wpe_results.json', 'w') as fid: res.to_json(fid)