Source code for tf_wpe

    import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow.contrib import signal as tf_signal
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import warnings
    # For doctests, each file will be imported
        'Could not import tensorflow, hence tensorflow code in nara_wpe will fail.',

def _batch_wrapper(inner_function, signals, num_frames, time_axis=-1):
    """Helper function to support batching with signal lenghts respected

        inner_function (function): A function taking the cutted signals as

        signals (tuple): Signals needed for the function. Observation must be
            in the first place. All signals must have shape (batch, ..., time)
        num_frames (array): Number of frames for each batch

        tf.Tensor: Zero padded output of the function.

    max_frames = tf.reduce_max(num_frames)

    # If we remove the batch dimension the time axis shifts by -1 if positive
    if time_axis > 0:
        time_axis -= 1

    def _single_batch(inp):
        frames = inp[-1]
        inp = inp[0]
        with tf.name_scope('single_batch'):

            def _pad(x):
                padding = max_frames - \
                    tf.minimum(frames, tf.shape(x)[time_axis])
                zeros = tf.cast(tf.zeros(()), x.dtype)
                paddings = x.shape.ndims * [(0, 0), ]
                paddings[time_axis] = (0, padding)
                return tf.pad(

            def _slice(x):
                slices = x.shape.ndims * [slice(None), ]
                slices[time_axis] = slice(frames)
                return x[slices]

            enhanced = inner_function(
                [_slice(i) for i in inp]
            return _pad(enhanced)

    out = tf.map_fn(
        _single_batch, [signals, num_frames], dtype=signals[0].dtype
    return out

[docs]def get_power_online(signal): """Calculates power for `signal` Args: signal (tf.Tensor): Signal with shape (F, D, T). Returns: tf.Tensor: Power with shape (F,) """ power_estimate = get_power(signal) power_estimate = tf.reduce_mean(power_estimate, axis=-1) return power_estimate
[docs]def get_power_inverse(signal): """Calculates inverse power for `signal` Args: signal (tf.Tensor): Single frequency signal with shape (D, T). psd_context: context for power estimation Returns: tf.Tensor: Inverse power with shape (T,) """ power = get_power(signal) eps = 1e-10 * tf.reduce_max(power) inverse_power = tf.reciprocal(tf.maximum(power, eps)) return inverse_power
[docs]def get_power(signal, axis=-2): """Calculates power for `signal` Args: signal (tf.Tensor): Single frequency signal with shape (D, T) or (F, D, T). axis: reduce_mean axis Returns: tf.Tensor: Power with shape (T,) or (F, T) """ power = tf.real(signal) ** 2 + tf.imag(signal) ** 2 power = tf.reduce_mean(power, axis=axis) return power
#def get_power(signal, psd_context=0): # """ # Calculates power for single frequency signal. # In case psd_context is an tuple the two values # are describing the left and right hand context. # # Args: # signal: (D, T) # psd_context: tuple or int # """ # shape = tf.shape(signal) # if len(signal.get_shape()) == 2: # signal = tf.reshape(signal, (1, shape[0], shape[1])) # # power = tf.reduce_mean( # tf.real(signal) ** 2 + tf.imag(signal) ** 2, # axis=-2 # ) # # if psd_context is not 0: # if isinstance(psd_context, tuple): # context = psd_context[0] + 1 + psd_context[1] # else: # context = 2 * psd_context + 1 # psd_context = (psd_context, psd_context) # # power = tf.pad( # power, # ((0, 0), (psd_context[0], psd_context[1])), # mode='constant' # ) # print(power) # power = tf.nn.convolution( # power, # tf.ones(context), # padding='VALID' # )[psd_context[1]:-psd_context[0]] # # denom = tf.nn.convolution( # tf.zeros_like(power) + 1., # tf.ones(context), # padding='VALID' # )[psd_context[1]:-psd_context[0]] # print(power) # power /= denom # # elif psd_context == 0: # pass # else: # raise ValueError(psd_context) # # return tf.squeeze(power, axis=0)
[docs]def get_correlations(Y, inverse_power, taps, delay): """Calculates weighted correlations of a window of length taps Args: Y (tf.Ttensor): Complex-valued STFT signal with shape (F, D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Weighting factor with shape (F, T) taps (int): Lenghts of correlation window delay (int): Delay for the weighting factor Returns: tf.Tensor: Correlation matrix of shape (F, taps*D, taps*D) tf.Tensor: Correlation vector of shape (F, taps*D) """ dyn_shape = tf.shape(Y) F = dyn_shape[0] D = dyn_shape[1] T = dyn_shape[2] Psi = tf_signal.frame(Y, taps, 1, axis=-1)[..., :T - delay - taps + 1, ::-1] Psi_conj_norm = ( tf.cast(inverse_power[:, None, delay + taps - 1:, None], Psi.dtype) * tf.conj(Psi) ) correlation_matrix = tf.einsum('fdtk,fetl->fkdle', Psi_conj_norm, Psi) correlation_vector = tf.einsum( 'fdtk,fet->fked', Psi_conj_norm, Y[..., delay + taps - 1:] ) correlation_matrix = tf.reshape(correlation_matrix, (F, taps * D, taps * D)) return correlation_matrix, correlation_vector
[docs]def get_correlations_for_single_frequency(Y, inverse_power, taps, delay): """Calculates weighted correlations of a window of length taps for one freq. Args: Y (tf.Ttensor): Complex-valued STFT signal with shape (D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Weighting factor with shape (T) K (int): Lenghts of correlation window delay (int): Delay for the weighting factor Returns: tf.Tensor: Correlation matrix of shape (taps*D, taps*D) tf.Tensor: Correlation vector of shape (D, taps*D) """ correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = get_correlations( Y[None], inverse_power[None], taps, delay ) return correlation_matrix[0], correlation_vector[0]
[docs]def get_filter_matrix_conj( Y, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector, taps, delay, mode='solve'): """Calculate (conjugate) filter matrix based on correlations for one freq. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Complex-valued STFT signal of shape (D, T) correlation_matrix (tf.Tensor): Correlation matrix (taps*D, taps*D) correlation_vector (tf.Tensor): Correlation vector (D, taps*D) K (int): Number of filter taps delay (int): Delay mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Raises: ValueError: Unknown mode specified Returns: tf.Tensor: (Conjugate) filter Matrix """ D = tf.shape(Y)[0] correlation_vector = tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D * D * taps, 1)) selector = \ tf.reshape( tf.transpose( tf.reshape(tf.range(D * D * taps), (D, taps, D)), (1, 0, 2)), (-1,)) inv_selector = \ tf.reshape( tf.transpose( tf.reshape(tf.range(D * D * taps), (taps, D, D)), (1, 0, 2)), (-1,)) correlation_vector = tf.gather(correlation_vector, inv_selector) if mode == 'inv': with tf.device('/cpu:0'): inv_correlation_matrix = tf.matrix_inverse(correlation_matrix) stacked_filter_conj = tf.einsum( 'ab,cb->ca', inv_correlation_matrix, tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D, D * taps)) ) stacked_filter_conj = tf.reshape(stacked_filter_conj, (D * D * taps, 1)) elif mode == 'solve': with tf.device('/cpu:0'): stacked_filter_conj = tf.reshape( tf.matrix_solve( tf.tile(correlation_matrix[None, ...], [D, 1, 1]), tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D, D * taps, 1)) ), (D * D * taps, 1) ) else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown mode {}. Possible are "inv" and solve"'.format(mode)) stacked_filter_conj = tf.gather(stacked_filter_conj, selector) filter_matrix_conj = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(stacked_filter_conj, (taps, D, D)), (0, 2, 1) ) return filter_matrix_conj
[docs]def perform_filter_operation(Y, filter_matrix_conj, taps, delay): """ # >>> D, T, taps, delay = 1, 10, 2, 1 # >>> tf.enable_eager_execution() # >>> Y = tf.ones([D, T]) # >>> filter_matrix_conj = tf.ones([taps, D, D]) # >>> X = perform_filter_operation_v2(Y, filter_matrix_conj, taps, delay) # >>> X.shape # TensorShape([Dimension(1), Dimension(10)]) # >>> X.numpy() # array([[ 1., 0., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1.]], dtype=float32) """ dyn_shape = tf.shape(Y) T = dyn_shape[1] def add_tap(accumulated, tau_minus_delay): new = tf.einsum( 'de,dt', filter_matrix_conj[tau_minus_delay, :, :], Y[:, :(T - delay - tau_minus_delay)] ) paddings = tf.convert_to_tensor([[0, 0], [delay + tau_minus_delay, 0]]) new = tf.pad(new, paddings, "CONSTANT") return accumulated + new reverb_tail = tf.foldl( add_tap, tf.range(0, taps), initializer=tf.zeros_like(Y) ) return Y - reverb_tail
[docs]def single_frequency_wpe(Y, taps=10, delay=3, iterations=3, mode='inv'): """WPE for a single frequency. Args: Y: Complex valued STFT signal with shape (D, T) taps: Number of filter taps delay: Delay as a guard interval, such that X does not become zero. iterations: mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Returns: """ enhanced = Y for _ in range(iterations): inverse_power = get_power_inverse(enhanced) correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = \ get_correlations_for_single_frequency(Y, inverse_power, taps, delay) filter_matrix_conj = get_filter_matrix_conj( Y, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector, taps, delay, mode=mode ) enhanced = perform_filter_operation(Y, filter_matrix_conj, taps, delay) return enhanced, inverse_power
[docs]def wpe(Y, taps=10, delay=3, iterations=3, mode='inv'): """WPE for all frequencies at once. Use this for regular processing. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Observed signal with shape (F, D, T) num_frames (tf.Tensor): Number of frames for each signal in the batch taps (int, optional): Defaults to 10. Number of filter taps. delay (int, optional): Defaults to 3. iterations (int, optional): Defaults to 3. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculated: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Returns: tf.Tensor: Dereverberated signal tf.Tensor: Latest estimation of the clean speech PSD """ def iteration_over_frequencies(y): enhanced, inverse_power = single_frequency_wpe( y, taps, delay, iterations, mode=mode) return (enhanced, inverse_power) enhanced, inverse_power = tf.map_fn( iteration_over_frequencies, Y, dtype=(Y.dtype, Y.dtype.real_dtype) ) return enhanced
[docs]def batched_wpe(Y, num_frames, taps=10, delay=3, iterations=3, mode='inv'): """Batched version of iterative WPE. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Observed signal with shape (B, F, D, T) num_frames (tf.Tensor): Number of frames for each signal in the batch taps (int, optional): Defaults to 10. Number of filter taps. delay (int, optional): Defaults to 3. iterations (int, optional): Defaults to 3. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Returns: tf.Tensor: Dereverberated signal of shape (B, F, D, T). """ def _inner_func(signals): out = wpe(signals[0], taps, delay, iterations, mode) return out return _batch_wrapper(_inner_func, [Y], num_frames)
[docs]def wpe_step(Y, inverse_power, taps=10, delay=3, mode='inv', Y_stats=None): """Single step of 'wpe'. More suited for backpropagation. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (F, D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Power signal with shape (F, T) taps (int, optional): Filter order delay (int, optional): Delay as a guard interval, such that X does not become zero. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Y_stats (tf.Tensor or None, optional): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (F, D, T) use to calculate the signal statistics (i.e. correlation matrix/vector). If None, Y is used. Otherwise it's usually a segment of Y Returns: Dereverberated signal of shape (F, D, T) """ with tf.name_scope('WPE'): with tf.name_scope('correlations'): if Y_stats is None: Y_stats = Y correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = get_correlations( Y_stats, inverse_power, taps, delay ) def step(inp): (Y_f, correlation_matrix_f, correlation_vector_f) = inp with tf.name_scope('filter_matrix'): filter_matrix_conj = get_filter_matrix_conj( Y_f, correlation_matrix_f, correlation_vector_f, taps, delay, mode=mode ) with tf.name_scope('apply_filter'): enhanced = perform_filter_operation( Y_f, filter_matrix_conj, taps, delay) return enhanced enhanced = tf.map_fn( step, (Y, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector), dtype=Y.dtype, parallel_iterations=100 ) return enhanced
[docs]def batched_wpe_step( Y, inverse_power, num_frames, taps=10, delay=3, mode='inv', Y_stats=None): """Batched single WPE step. More suited for backpropagation. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (B, F, D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Power signal with shape (B, F, T) num_frames (tf.Tensor): Number of frames for each signal in the batch taps (int, optional): Filter order delay (int, optional): Delay as a guard interval, such that X does not become zero. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x Y_stats (tf.Tensor or None, optional): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (F, D, T) use to calculate the signal statistics (i.e. correlation matrix/vector). If None, Y is used. Otherwise it's usually a segment of Y Returns: Dereverberated signal of shape B, (F, D, T) """ def _inner_func(signals): _Y, _inverse_power, _Y_stats = signals out = wpe_step(_Y, _inverse_power, taps, delay, mode, _Y_stats) return out if Y_stats is None: Y_stats = Y return _batch_wrapper(_inner_func, [Y, inverse_power, Y_stats], num_frames)
[docs]def block_wpe_step( Y, inverse_power, taps=10, delay=3, mode='inv', block_length_in_seconds=2., forgetting_factor=0.7, fft_shift=256, sampling_rate=16000): """Applies wpe in a block-wise fashion. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (F, D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Power signal with shape (F, T) taps (int, optional): Defaults to 10. delay (int, optional): Defaults to 3. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x block_length_in_seconds (float, optional): Length of each block in seconds forgetting_factor (float, optional): Forgetting factor for the signal statistics between the blocks fft_shift (int, optional): Shift used for the STFT. sampling_rate (int, optional): Sampling rate of the observed signal. """ frames_per_block = block_length_in_seconds * sampling_rate // fft_shift frames_per_block = tf.cast(frames_per_block, tf.int32) framed_Y = tf_signal.frame( Y, frames_per_block, frames_per_block, pad_end=True) framed_inverse_power = tf_signal.frame( inverse_power, frames_per_block, frames_per_block, pad_end=True) num_blocks = tf.shape(framed_Y)[-2] enhanced_arr = tf.TensorArray( framed_Y.dtype, size=num_blocks, clear_after_read=True) start_block = tf.constant(0) correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = get_correlations( framed_Y[..., start_block, :], framed_inverse_power[..., start_block, :], taps, delay ) num_bins = Y.shape[0] num_channels = Y.shape[1].value if num_channels is None: num_channels = tf.shape(Y)[1] num_frames = tf.shape(Y)[-1] def cond(k, *_): return k < num_blocks with tf.name_scope('block_WPE'): def block_step( k, enhanced, correlation_matrix_tm1, correlation_vector_tm1): def _init_step(): return correlation_matrix_tm1, correlation_vector_tm1 def _update_step(): correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = get_correlations( framed_Y[..., k, :], framed_inverse_power[..., k, :], taps, delay ) return ( (1. - forgetting_factor) * correlation_matrix_tm1 + forgetting_factor * correlation_matrix, (1. - forgetting_factor) * correlation_vector_tm1 + forgetting_factor * correlation_vector ) correlation_matrix, correlation_vector = ((tf.equal(k, 0), _init_step),), default=_update_step ) def step(inp): (Y_f, inverse_power_f, correlation_matrix_f, correlation_vector_f) = inp with tf.name_scope('filter_matrix'): filter_matrix_conj = get_filter_matrix_conj( Y_f, correlation_matrix_f, correlation_vector_f, taps, delay, mode=mode ) with tf.name_scope('apply_filter'): enhanced_f = perform_filter_operation( Y_f, filter_matrix_conj, taps, delay) return enhanced_f enhanced_block = tf.map_fn( step, (framed_Y[..., k, :], framed_inverse_power[..., k, :], correlation_matrix, correlation_vector), dtype=framed_Y.dtype, parallel_iterations=100 ) enhanced = enhanced.write(k, enhanced_block) return k + 1, enhanced, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector _, enhanced_arr, _, _ = tf.while_loop( cond, block_step, (start_block, enhanced_arr, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector) ) enhanced = enhanced_arr.stack() enhanced = tf.transpose(enhanced, (1, 2, 0, 3)) enhanced = tf.reshape(enhanced, (num_bins, num_channels, -1)) return enhanced[..., :num_frames]
[docs]def batched_block_wpe_step( Y, inverse_power, num_frames, taps=10, delay=3, mode='inv', block_length_in_seconds=2., forgetting_factor=0.7, fft_shift=256, sampling_rate=16000): """Batched single WPE step. More suited for backpropagation. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Complex valued STFT signal with shape (B, F, D, T) inverse_power (tf.Tensor): Power signal with shape (B, F, T) num_frames (tf.Tensor): Number of frames for each signal in the batch taps (int, optional): Filter order delay (int, optional): Delay as a guard interval, such that X does not become zero. mode (str, optional): Specifies how R^-1@r is calculate: "inv" calculates the inverse of R directly and then uses matmul "solve" solves Rx=r for x block_length_in_seconds (float, optional): Length of each block in seconds forgetting_factor (float, optional): Forgetting factor for the signal statistics between the blocks fft_shift (int, optional): Shift used for the STFT. sampling_rate (int, optional): Sampling rate of the observed signal. Returns: Dereverberated signal of shape B, (F, D, T) """ def _inner_func(signals): _Y, _inverse_power = signals out = block_wpe_step( _Y, _inverse_power, taps, delay, mode, block_length_in_seconds, forgetting_factor, fft_shift, sampling_rate) return out return _batch_wrapper(_inner_func, [Y, inverse_power], num_frames)
[docs]def online_wpe_step( input_buffer, power_estimate, inv_cov, filter_taps, alpha, taps, delay ): """ One step of online dereverberation Args: input_buffer (tf.Tensor): Buffer of shape (taps+delay+1, F, D) power_estimate (tf.Tensor): Estimate for the current PSD inv_cov (tf.Tensor): Current estimate of R^-1 filter_taps (tf.Tensor): Current estimate of filter taps (F, taps*D, taps) alpha (float): Smoothing factor taps (int): Number of filter taps delay (int): Delay in frames Returns: tf.Tensor: Dereverberated frame of shape (F, D) tf.Tensor: Updated estimate of R^-1 tf.Tensor: Updated estimate of the filter taps """ F = input_buffer.shape[-2] D = tf.shape(input_buffer)[-1] window = input_buffer[:-delay - 1][::-1] window = tf.reshape( tf.transpose(window, (1, 2, 0)), (F, taps * D) ) window_conj = tf.conj(window) pred = ( input_buffer[-1] - tf.einsum('fid,fi->fd', tf.conj(filter_taps), window) ) nominator = tf.einsum('fij,fj->fi', inv_cov, window) denominator = tf.cast(alpha * power_estimate, window.dtype) denominator += tf.einsum('fi,fi->f', window_conj, nominator) kalman_gain = nominator / denominator[:, None] inv_cov_k = inv_cov - tf.einsum('fj,fjm,fi->fim', window_conj, inv_cov, kalman_gain) inv_cov_k /= alpha filter_taps_k = ( filter_taps + tf.einsum('fi,fm->fim', kalman_gain, tf.conj(pred)) ) return pred, inv_cov_k, filter_taps_k
[docs]def recursive_wpe( Y, power_estimate, alpha, taps=10, delay=2, only_use_final_filters=False): """Applies WPE in a framewise recursive fashion. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Observed signal of shape (T, F, D) power_estimate (tf.Tensor): Estimate for the clean signal PSD of shape (T, F) alpha (float): Smoothing factor for the recursion taps (int, optional): Number of filter taps. delay (int, optional): Delay only_use_final_filters (bool, optional): Applies only the final estimated filter coefficients to the whole signal. This is for debugging purposes only and makes this method a offline one. Returns: tf.Tensor: Enhanced signal """ num_frames = tf.shape(Y)[0] num_bins = Y.shape[1] num_ch = tf.shape(Y)[-1] dtype = Y.dtype k = delay + taps inv_cov_tm1 = tf.eye(num_ch * taps, batch_shape=[num_bins], dtype=dtype) filter_taps_tm1 = tf.zeros((num_bins, num_ch * taps, num_ch), dtype=dtype) enhanced_arr = tf.TensorArray(dtype, size=num_frames, name='dereverberated') Y = tf.pad(Y, ((delay + taps, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0))) def dereverb_step(k_, inv_cov_tm1, filter_taps_tm1, enhanced): pos = k_ - delay - taps input_buffer = Y[pos:k_ + 1] pred, inv_cov_k, filter_taps_k = online_wpe_step( input_buffer, power_estimate[pos], inv_cov_tm1, filter_taps_tm1, alpha, taps, delay ) enhanced_k = enhanced.write(pos, pred) return k_ + 1, inv_cov_k, filter_taps_k, enhanced_k def cond(k, *_): return tf.less(k, num_frames + delay + taps) _, _, final_filter_taps, enhanced = tf.while_loop( cond, dereverb_step, (k, inv_cov_tm1, filter_taps_tm1, enhanced_arr)) # Only for testing / oracle purposes def dereverb_with_filters(k_, filter_taps, enhanced): window = Y[k_ - delay - taps:k_ - delay][::-1] window = tf.reshape( tf.transpose(window, (1, 2, 0)), (-1, taps * num_ch) ) pred = ( Y[k_] - tf.einsum('lim,li->lm', tf.conj(filter_taps), window) ) enhanced_k = enhanced.write(k_ - delay - taps, pred) return k_ + 1, filter_taps, enhanced_k if only_use_final_filters: k = tf.constant(0) + delay + taps enhanced_arr = tf.TensorArray(dtype, size=num_frames) _, _, enhanced = tf.while_loop( cond, dereverb_with_filters, (k, final_filter_taps, enhanced_arr)) return enhanced.stack()
[docs]def batched_recursive_wpe( Y, power_estimate, alpha, num_frames, taps=10, delay=2, only_use_final_filters=False): """Batched single WPE step. More suited for backpropagation. Args: Y (tf.Tensor): Observed signal of shape (B, T, F, D) power_estimate (tf.Tensor): Estimate for the clean signal PSD of shape (B, T, F) alpha (float): Smoothing factor for the recursion num_frames (tf.Tensor): Number of frames for each signal in the batch K (int, optional): Number of filter taps. delay (int, optional): Delay only_use_final_filters (bool, optional): Applies only the final estimated filter coefficients to the whole signal. This is for debugging purposes only and makes this method a offline one. Returns: Dereverberated signal of shape (B, T, F, D) """ def _inner_func(signals): _Y, _power_estimate = signals out = recursive_wpe( _Y, _power_estimate, alpha, taps, delay, only_use_final_filters) return out return _batch_wrapper( _inner_func, [Y, power_estimate], num_frames, time_axis=1)